
Technology is changing, and will continue to change the way the built environment operates. It has had a significant impact on the industry over the past few years, catapulting it further towards the future faster than originally anticipated.

So what impact has technology really had?  It has made sites safer and their surveying easier, it has improved designs, increased productivity and efficiencies, helped minimise waste, provided flexibility, aided the development of materials, improved interconnectivity between sites and offices, allowed us to identify hazards through wearable technology; changed the way we choose to communicate, made us more efficient with the use of our time and has provided us with greater opportunities.

Through virtual reality we can now present project concepts in great detail and bring them to life, allowing prospective clients to experience the project first-hand. With BIM (Building Information Modelling), digital twins Common Date Environments (CDE) and information management, we can generate digital representations of a building that help make better material and fitting choices, keep projects on budget and better inform schedules whilst creating a more valuable asset for the building owner.

Technology continues to open a world of opportunities for the industry and will be a key tool in the delivery of the Golden Thread – the digital record keeping of buildings. Digital technology is constantly evolving and its advancements will be key to future industry improvements. 

Fabrick understands this and our technology clients are focused on leading the advancements needed to drive such change.  Our marketing and content campaigns, PR, social and digital activities have allowed clients to clearly communicate the benefits of their technological offering, educate and inform their target audiences, support the growth of their businesses, make positive industry changes and help create a safer built environment. 

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